Monday, September 12, 2011

Fred's in love...

The other day, I blogged about Fred's swimming adventure. While we were there, every once and a while Pup would actually stop swimming for a bit and try to relax. When she did this, Fred figured it was a good time to try to get "acquainted" a little better. Granted Pup is a girl and Fred, well, he's a boy, but that's about it. Both dogs have been responsibly, "altered". However, Fred spent most of his spare time, trying to get Pup to notice him. Poor guy, he really gave her his best "moves" too.
Alas, she just wasn't interested. I guess size doesn't matter, not in Fred's world anyway.

"Hey baby, wanna get lucky?"


  1. Olá MARY...
    Amei sua rena, ela acende o nariz?
    Eu quero uma também. Vou falar pra mamãe comprar. Muito legal.

    Obrigada pela visita em meu blog e por ter ido me dar os parabéns pelo meu aniversário. Fiquei muito feliz.
    Voce é especial e não quero perder sua amizade nunca.
    Boa semana e fica com o Papai do Céu.
    Te amo amiguinha querida.
    Aus 1000 do Brasil...


  2. He was just looking for a buddy. No committment, no strings. Just a drink at the beach and a swim.

  3. Hey.. Freddy's "talking" to another dog!! This is a promising change from his dog run fiascos!

  4. "She said, I'm CUTE!!!" Love Rudolph!

  5. LOL! Little dogs tend to believe they're Don Juan and Cassanova rolled into one, when they're not pretending they're the reincarnation of Napoleon.

    My husband recently adopted a Pug-Boston mix, so we're getting a dose of this in our house!

  6. I'm behind on reading your blog, but I'll be back to catch up soon. I just wanted to respond to your comment.

    What I'm doing with Jackal is called free shaping. I'm sure you're read some about it online. It you google Karen Pryor 101 Things to do with a Box game you'll get more info on it. I started the box game with Jackal when he was a little puppy so he's good at and loves free shaping. It's a lot of fun to let them figure it out for themselves because it teaches them to solve problems for themselves, but I do sometimes talk or lure to encourage him when I get bored/impatient or he gets stuck. :) There are no set rules in dog training. Just have fun with it. :D If you're a talker then feel free to talk to Fred. It doesn't hurt anything. The only drawback is that if he's excited it might make that worse. When Jackal gets excited and starts cycling through tricks he already knows I have to actually turn my back but keep my head turned enough to watch him in my peripheral vision. As soon as he starts focusing and offers a step toward the behavior I'm looking for I click, reward and turn back to face him. He's usually in a lot calmer frame of mind when I do that. Maybe I can catch it on video sometime so you can see it. :)

    Oh and I apologize for any typos or not making sense. I think I'm getting a head cold and I'm exhausted so I'm not proofreading comments right now lol.

  7. Bom final de semana minha linda amiguinha.
    Te desejo muita DIVERSÃO e ALEGRIA.
    Fica com o Papai do Céu.
    Aus 1000 com amor da amiguinha do Brasil...


  8. Bostons are so cute!! And they have wonderful personalities to match!!

    Hello this is the first time I have found your blog. I am your neighbor in Washougal! LOL

  9. Mary, Freddie is beautiful and handsome! Please think about joining a boston rescue like ours - Boston Rescue of North Carolina also serving VA, MD, GA and South Carolina.
    Peggy (also known as the Boastful Boston)

  10. Aww, maybe she's just playing hard to get. He's so adorable how could she resist a man like him!

  11. MARY!
    ,masn am i behind too...on reading!
    Fred is so adorable and that header shot of him flying..too great!

    YEA! Meeting! I would have shot ya an email but my computer doesn't recognise the profile email links-?- huh?
    So mine is:
    shoot me one next time you thinnk you may be in the Beavercreek area and we can certainly do some horsin'!

  12. Haha...the post is too funny with the look Fred has on for his girlfriend. And I hooted when I saw Rudloph! maybe if Freds's nose blinked, that would do it...I mean he already flys!

  13. OMG! This cracked me up! Fred is too cute and all personality :)
    Have a great day, Mary!
    xo, misha

    p.s. I am following you know, thought I had already done this and could not find you in my blog roll...duh. I am ditz at times!

  14. Ohhh what a cuuuuuutie! That pup was crazy not to take a piece of that!

  15. Hi Mary,
    There's an award waiting for you at my blog, stop by and pick it up when you get the chance.


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