Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Awwwwwwwwwww... he really looks up to you.

  2. I just love his face! Soooo sweet!

  3. soooo sweet (I know that look well) ;)

  4. He's so cute!

    Yep, when you're shaping a behavior without luring or using a cue first you click the dog for showing interest in the object he will be interacting with. Jackal is a pro at this already because we've been doing it his whole life so I don't have to click much for that. If the dog is really hesitant you may have to click more for just looking at the object. Then you can click steps toward it, then touching it, then raising a paw, etc. It's all about rewarding the small steps. :) Also when shaping you can talk to them and praise them, but I tend to be quiet because it's easier for us both to concentrate.

  5. Yeah I'm having some trouble with the captions on the videos. I think I know how to make them stay up longer. For that one you'll just have to pause it to read them. Frustrating I know, but I might have fixed the problem now (for future videos anyway). :)

    Faran definitely does not have any fight in him (with humans anyway, because he's too timid). He's all about evasive techniques. He was doing the jumping backward thing when the farrier was trying to trim him. The reason he's staying relatively calm with my husband is because he doesn't escalate the situation. He tries to stay in Faran's comfort zone and just barely push outside of it a little at a time. He'll come around, it's just going to take time and patience. Heck it took us a year and six months to get where we are with Zeppelin so I'm completely prepared for it to take as long as it needs to take. :) I can smother the occasional impatience that crops up hehe.


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